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Category Archives: Prayer
As the earth turns away from the sun and enters the season of darkness, a darkness which is necessary for the bulbs and seeds to ready themselves for the burst of growth in Spring, so do we enter the time of waiting that is Advent. We pray that we may use this time as wisely as the earth does, preparing our hearts and spirits for the celebration of the wonder of Emmanuel – Christ with us.

As we gaze on the Advent Wreath the evergreen is a sign of hope and the circle a sign of God’s never ending love for us. May the light that shines forth from the wreath brighten our way as we journey towards Christmas.
God of Hope,
We thank you for the hope that is in our hearts today as we look towards Christ’s birth. It is hope that has sustained us during the challenging times of this past year.
We pray that hope may remain strong within each of us and among our families and community in the coming winter season. Amen
God of Peace,
May your Holy Spirit of peace come upon each of us – in a new way. So that amid the busyness and chaos of our lives nothing may unduly trouble or disturb us.
May our hearts remain hopeful and our minds tranquil because they are centred in You. Amen.
Please Support Trócaire’s Petition and Prayer Vigil for Gaza

Yet another war has destroyed homes and lives in Gaza. Hundreds of men, women and children have died in the past few weeks. Entire families have been wiped out, while many others have been left injured, homeless and without any means to provide for themselves.
The situation must end and peace must be built. Trócaire’s partners are delivering medical aid and we are campaigning to tackle the underlying injustices which are sustaining the cycle of conflict in Palestine.
Trócaire met with the Irish Government about the crisis last week and this coming week Dáil Eireann will convene to discuss the crisis. Our politicians must know the truth about what is happening and be
urged to take action. We invite you to sign our online petition urging the Irish Government to take necessary action –https://www.trocaire.org/gaza-in-crisis/
You can also read stories written by our friends and colleagues in the community at Gaza about what is a happening. The following is one account from Dr. Yasser Abu Jamei who leads the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme – https://www.trocaire.org/news/this-must-end/
Join with Trócaire in a Prayer Vigil for Gaza in your home
The nights are hardest in Gaza due to the fear of bombardments. It is dark and people are scared, hungry, and cold. As we look on with pain in our hearts, it is all too easy to feel hopeless, so Trócaire are inviting you to join us in offering light in the dark, to create connection, solidarity, and support for the people of Gaza.
Please light a candle and hold space in any way that feels right for you during the coming weeks. You may sit in quiet reflection, play some gentle music, read a little about the Palestinian people and their plight for justice, draw, write, pray, meditate. There is no right or wrong way, simply the intentional moving into connectedness with people in Gaza.
If you would like to share an image or a message of support, we will collate these and share them with our colleagues and friends in Gaza. Contact Janet Twomey at Trócaire (janet.twomey@trocaire.org).
Thank you for your continued support and prayers for the people of Palestine.

Hi there! Here is some information about Ash Wednesday and Lent in our Parish!
1. Ashes will be blest at 10AM mass on Ash Wednesday. Small bags of Ashes will then be available to collect in the porch at St Michael’s church from 10.30AM – 7.00PM.
Fr Louis will also administer a virtual blessing for anyone who has clay or ash at home during the mass.
2. A small Lenten Prayer Card will also be available in the porch of the church.
3. Please find a list of some Prayer and Reflection courses for Lent here. Click the link below to download it!
4. Please also find a list of some Support Services available in the community. Click the link to download it!
“Lent, the Church’s springtime,
Waiting to burst into bloom.
Emptiness waiting to be filled with God-ness, goodness.
An invitation to Grow in Love”
Ag Críost an Síol…

Beannacht na Féile Bríde oraibh
Wishing you every blessing this St Brigid’s day and a happy, healthy, hopeful Springtime.
Hello to you all and best wishes for 2021
Bliain nua mhaith agaibh ar fad!

January can be a difficult month each year, as we let go of Christmas-time and try to embrace the ‘beginning again’ that a New Year offers.
This January is more difficult than most, as we are facing the realities behind another level 5 lockdown and the fact that the Coronavirus is still with us. Indeed, among our community some are sick, in hospital, in nursing-homes, in isolation at home or working on the frontline services, putting themselves at risk each day, for the good of us all. The good news is that the vaccine is here and on its way to each of us. There are also measures which we can all take each day to continue to keep well and keep each other safe.
The recent publication of the Report on the Commission of the Mother and Baby Homes has opened up much trauma, pain and hurt for many of us. Hopefully, as a country we are now engaging in appropriate actions to ensure survivors are heard and that healing can begin. We also must ensure that this kind of harsh treatment of the most vulnerable, in our community, is never repeated.
Patrick Kavanagh famously wrote ‘ Christ Comes with a January Flower’ . The January flower is the snowdrop, also called St Brigid’s Flower – Bláithín Bríde!
As the day lengthens and as we come towards St Brigid’s Day, may we find renewed hope in Christ. Just as the snowdrops of January, are a sign of hope and endurance at this time of the year, may we too hope and endure through all that happens. May we stay strong, be safe and support each other as best we can. Let us pray for each other in a new way.
May we remember in particular in our prayers our frontline workers. We give thanks for their inspiration as we say in the words of Bruce Springsteen;
“May your strength give us strength,
May Your faith give us faith,
May Your hope give us hope,
May Your love give us love.” ( ‘Into the Fire’ )
May 2021 turn out to be a brighter, easier and healthier year for us all.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís
(Anne O’Brien, Chair Parish Liturgy Committee, and Pádraigín Clancy, Parish Pastoral)
Morning Prayer: November 6th – Feast of All the Saints
November 6th is the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland and we invite you to join Pádraigín in St Michael’s for our short morning reflection as we pray together and ask the intercession of these great saints, holy men and women of Ireland.
Useful website links for Prayers
Hi there! The files below are from the Diocese and give some useful website links for prayers – also good advice for family prayer. Just click on the links to download the files.
Hope you all enjoy them!
Morning Prayer: September 1st
Today we join Pádraigín for our morning prayer on September first – marking the first day of the “Season of Creation” – where we are encouraged to contemplate God’s wondrous work of creation all around us. This Season of Creation let us challenge ourselves to both appreciate and take better care of our common home, the earth, and every individual person as God’s creation.
Morning Prayer: August 31
On the feast of Saint Aidan of Iona and Lindisfarne, join Pádraigín Clancy of St Michael’s, Inchicore for our morning prayer. As Pope Francis says, let’s not go around with funerial faces, let’s look and act as if the Resurrection happened! Today is a day of hope, we embrace the hope of the Resurrection in a new way as we remember Saint Aidan and his hope as he brought the gospel from Iona and Lindisfarne out across Britain.