Category Archives: Events

St. Michael’s Carol Service

Here are some pictures of St. Michael’s Carol Service, which was held last Sunday, December 15th 2024. A very special, festive and uplifting time was had by all.

Many thanks to everyone involved: all the choirs, musicians, St. James’ Band, the Master of Ceremonies, those in charge of the sound, the Mammoth Raffle, teas and goodies brought by many… and, of course, Santa – who visited too!

St. Michael’s is ready to celebrate Christmas.
St. Michaels Carol Service

Georgian Harvest Festival 2023

On October 29th, the Parish of Saint Maximus and Keria – the Georgian Sanctuary of Ireland – organized the Harvest Festival. Some parishioners of Saint Michaels attended the event, full of beautiful music & traditional dances, as well as gorgeous Georgian food.

Also, it was good to meet some members of the Georgian community, speak with young dancers and his Excellence the Georgian Ambassador to Ireland.

We thank Fr. George, Sr. Breda and the community for the warm welcome.

Here are some images of the event!

Synodal Pathway


As the earth turns away from the sun and enters the season of darkness, a darkness which is necessary for the bulbs and seeds to ready themselves for the burst of growth in Spring, so do we enter the time of waiting that is Advent.  We  pray that we may use this time as wisely as the earth does, preparing our hearts and    spirits for the celebration of the wonder of Emmanuel – Christ with us.

Advent Wreath

As we gaze on the Advent Wreath the evergreen is a sign of hope and the circle a sign of God’s never ending love for us. May the light that shines forth from the wreath brighten our way as we journey towards Christmas. 


God of Hope,

We thank you for the hope that is in our hearts today as we look towards Christ’s birth. It is  hope that has sustained us during the challenging times of this past year. 

We pray that hope may remain strong within each of us and among our families and community  in the coming winter season. Amen


God of Peace,

May your Holy Spirit of peace come upon each of us  – in a new way.  So that amid the busyness and chaos of our lives nothing may unduly trouble or disturb us.  

May our hearts remain hopeful and our minds tranquil because they are centred in You.  Amen.

Live Feed – Holy Week 2021

Find here the live feed for the Holy Week online masses.

You can use the controls to check the Parish’s broadcasting schedule, mass recordings, etc.

You can also check the live feed (as well as the recordings) outside our website through the link:

Advent Newsletter + Info

Please find in the link below the Advent Newsletter. Also, it contains important information about the Christmas Masses.

Please note: Attendance at Christmas Masses is by ticket only.  Please find request forms for tickets  in St Michael’s Church or Parish Office at 52A Bulfin Rd. 

Forms must be submitted to the Parish Office by Dec 20th and there will be a draw for tickets on Monday 21st.  

There will be four Christmas Masses at St Michael’s: Christmas Eve 6.30PM and 8.30PM and Christmas Day 9.00AM and 11.00AM.  Regrettably – owing to Covid restrictions only 50 can be admitted to any mass. Thank you for your understanding and patience at this difficult time

Donations – World Mission Sunday

As Fr. Louis and Pádraigín reminded us in today’s Mass, this Sunday is the “World Mission Sunday“, which is a direct reminder of the multiple missions going on around the World, and a direct appeal for spiritual and financial support so that the life-giving work of missionaries can continue.

Please find in the attachment below important information on how you can support WMI:

For more information, please check the World Mission Ireland website: