Author Archives: St Michaels

Louis McDermott OMI – March 5th, 1944 – 18th October 18th, 2022

The Faith Community of St Michael’s Parish, Inchicore, is deeply saddened to announce the death of our beloved Parish Priest, Fr Louis McDermott OMI. 

Fr Louis came to St Michael’s on January 5th 2011 and has remained with us ever since – only taking a step back when his health deteriorated in recent years.

A native of Garristown, North County Dublin, Louis was a great man of the people with a quick witty sense of humour.  Even in the middle of recent suffering he found time to smile and have fun.  His mind remained razor sharp and interested in all that was happening in the community to the very end. 

Louis had a strong commitment to the Oblate mission for justice, peace and the integrity of creation.  He spent time in the parishes of Darndale, Liverpool and Southampton helping empower people and building local communities.  He was a man who believed strongly in collaboration and synodality in all he did. Here at St Michael’s, he encouraged lay participation at all levels of Parish life and helped build strong leadership teams. He encouraged the employment of a female pastoral worker for gender balance and fairness. 

Louis actively participated in local organisations such as the Kavanagh House, Inchicore Regeneration Forum and Our Lady of Lourdes local national school. 

A keen and skilled sportsman, Louis had played with Dublin Minors before joining the Oblate Fathers in 1969.  In his later years, he went on to enjoy Golf (with an excellent handicap). He was interested in sports of all kinds and had a strong allegiance to the Dubs, St Patricks Athletic, Liverpool FC and Leinster. He also greatly enjoyed horse racing.  

Fr Louis was beloved of many people near and far and he will be grievously missed by the whole St Michael’s community. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his beloved family, relatives, friends, and the Oblate Community.

Ní bheidh a leithéid arís ann!  Solas na bhFlaitheas dá anam uasal. 

Pádraigín Clancy, Pastoral Associate, on behalf of St Michael’s Parish.

Funeral arrangements information on the link below:


This year, the Dublin Diocesan Communications Department has put together a short video for Safeguarding Sunday.

Please also find a letter from the Archbishop of Dublin, Dermot Farrell, regarding Safeguarding – at the following link.

Submission from the Catholic Church in Ireland to the Synod in Rome in 2023


In April 2022, 75 parishioners took part in the Synodal process at St Michael’s.

The questions explored what are the Joys, Sorrows, Fears and Hopes in our experience of Church today.

The feedback suggests that the faithful love and care for their Church and value their faith community, treasuring their shared faith experience and personal relationship with God and the positive role of the Church especially in the area of social care and justice.

They are deeply concerned about the Church’s future and see the need for change as being critical to its survival in Ireland. While Pope Francis is seen as a beacon for change, overall, people are concerned about the leadership of the Church and question its commitment to change and collaboration with the laity. Many are afraid that real change may come too late.

Deep upset was expressed at the loss of the youth and the lack of inclusion of marginal groups such as LGBTQ and the divorced in the Church. Legalism and rules are seen as predominating over love.

People see the equal role of women in Church ministry and administration as being essential to its change and growth – even to its survival, and would like priests to be given the option to marry.

Overall, the feedback suggests that the faith community are clear about what changes they understand are needed and would lead the hierarchy into the future if allowed and if heard.

See the final report of St Michael’s on the file below:

See the final report on the Synod from the Dublin Diocese at the link below:

Dublin-Diocesan-Synod-Report.pdf (

June 2022 Parish Newsletter

Hi there! Please find attached the Parish Newsletter for June 2022!

Living the Hope of Easter

Synodal Pathway

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

St Michael’s Parish wishes you all a very Happy Christmas and Every Blessing in the New Year.
Beannacht na Nollag oraibh ar fad agus Ath-Bhliain faoi Mhaise!


As the earth turns away from the sun and enters the season of darkness, a darkness which is necessary for the bulbs and seeds to ready themselves for the burst of growth in Spring, so do we enter the time of waiting that is Advent.  We  pray that we may use this time as wisely as the earth does, preparing our hearts and    spirits for the celebration of the wonder of Emmanuel – Christ with us.

Advent Wreath

As we gaze on the Advent Wreath the evergreen is a sign of hope and the circle a sign of God’s never ending love for us. May the light that shines forth from the wreath brighten our way as we journey towards Christmas. 


God of Hope,

We thank you for the hope that is in our hearts today as we look towards Christ’s birth. It is  hope that has sustained us during the challenging times of this past year. 

We pray that hope may remain strong within each of us and among our families and community  in the coming winter season. Amen


God of Peace,

May your Holy Spirit of peace come upon each of us  – in a new way.  So that amid the busyness and chaos of our lives nothing may unduly trouble or disturb us.  

May our hearts remain hopeful and our minds tranquil because they are centred in You.  Amen.

Advent newsletter

Please find attached our Advent newsletter!