On 13 May 1992, a number of years following an assassination attempt on his life, that led to a time of suffering and the experience of being seriously ill in hospital, Saint Pope John Paul II launched a World Day of the Sick – which coincides each year in the Church across the world with the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11 February.
Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have continued this special World Day – an occasion during which the whole Church bears witness as always with special concern to the tender mercy and love of God towards all who suffer. It is a time to reflect on the needs of all who suffer, to pause and be prayerfully in solidarity with those who experience illness and with all who care for those who are facing sickness.
Pope Francis always encourages us to experience the merciful face of Jesus, showing his mercy and tenderness to those who live through sickness and suffering, respecting their own inalienable dignity and mission in life, as we serve life and health.
“The celebration of the XXIX World Day of the Sick on 11 February
2021, the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes,
is an opportunity to devote special attention to the sick and to
those who provide them with assistance and care both in
healthcare institutions and within families and communities. We
think in particular of those who have suffered, and continue to
suffer, the effects of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. To all,
and especially to the poor and the marginalized, I express my spiritual closeness and assure them of the Church’s loving concern”
Pope Francis, 29th World Day of the Sick 2021
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Mary, Mother of God, full of mercy, pray for us. Blessed Joseph her Spouse, pray for us.