Hi there! Here is some information about Ash Wednesday and Lent in our Parish!

1. Ashes will be blest at 10AM mass on Ash Wednesday. Small bags of Ashes will  then be available to collect in the porch at St Michael’s  church from 10.30AM  – 7.00PM. 
Fr Louis will also administer a virtual blessing for anyone who has clay or ash at home during the mass.    
2.  A small Lenten Prayer Card will also be available in the porch of the church.

3. Please find a list of some Prayer and Reflection courses for Lent here. Click the link below to download it!

4. Please also find a list of some Support Services available in the community. Click the link to download it! 

“Lent, the Church’s springtime,
Waiting to burst into bloom.
Emptiness waiting to be filled with God-ness, goodness.
An invitation to Grow in Love”

Ag Críost an Síol…

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