Hello to you all and best wishes for 2021
Bliain nua mhaith agaibh ar fad!

January can be a difficult month each year, as we let go of Christmas-time and try to embrace the ‘beginning again’ that a New Year offers.
This January is more difficult than most, as we are facing the realities behind another level 5 lockdown and the fact that the Coronavirus is still with us. Indeed, among our community some are sick, in hospital, in nursing-homes, in isolation at home or working on the frontline services, putting themselves at risk each day, for the good of us all. The good news is that the vaccine is here and on its way to each of us. There are also measures which we can all take each day to continue to keep well and keep each other safe.
The recent publication of the Report on the Commission of the Mother and Baby Homes has opened up much trauma, pain and hurt for many of us. Hopefully, as a country we are now engaging in appropriate actions to ensure survivors are heard and that healing can begin. We also must ensure that this kind of harsh treatment of the most vulnerable, in our community, is never repeated.
Patrick Kavanagh famously wrote ‘ Christ Comes with a January Flower’ . The January flower is the snowdrop, also called St Brigid’s Flower – Bláithín Bríde!
As the day lengthens and as we come towards St Brigid’s Day, may we find renewed hope in Christ. Just as the snowdrops of January, are a sign of hope and endurance at this time of the year, may we too hope and endure through all that happens. May we stay strong, be safe and support each other as best we can. Let us pray for each other in a new way.
May we remember in particular in our prayers our frontline workers. We give thanks for their inspiration as we say in the words of Bruce Springsteen;
“May your strength give us strength,
May Your faith give us faith,
May Your hope give us hope,
May Your love give us love.” ( ‘Into the Fire’ )
May 2021 turn out to be a brighter, easier and healthier year for us all.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís
(Anne O’Brien, Chair Parish Liturgy Committee, and Pádraigín Clancy, Parish Pastoral)